May 30 2016 - Fashion

We’re always on stage

I have come to accept that I will never look like the girl on the cover of a fashion magazine. That doesn’t mean I strut any less! I believe we’re on stage each day, no matter who we are and what we do. So the least we can do is give it our best shot. Those of you who know me and read my blog know that I’m fairly opinionated when it comes to dressing and presenting oneself. Although I’m no fashion purist, I like to stick to certain do’s and don’ts.

Nothing I’m about to tell you is necessarily new or mind blowing but it seems to be easily forgotten because I see daily offenders.

Dress for your body – Part I.

Dress for the body you HAVE, not for the body you WISH you had. Accept your body as it is and embrace it. Or, if you really want to make a change, go for it. Style is not about size. It’s about finding what works best for you and carrying it with ease and grace. You may love leather pants but let’s face it; leather pants may never love you back. The key is being mature enough to let go.. Speaking of mature, I have made peace with the fact that the jumpsuit/romper and I will never be in a relationship. But the good news is, I can flirt with several other styles.

Dress for your body – Part II.
There are too many people in the world wearing clothing that doesn’t fit them right. It’s either too tight or too loose. Tight people, please, buy a size bigger. If the number on the tag is what’s holding you back, cut it off. But please, please, please don’t wear clothes that are too small on you, they only make you look bigger. Again, style is not about size. Now on to the too loose crowd, go find a tailor. Clothes that are too big make you look sloppy and unkempt. My girls who live in the Middle East or Subcontinent, there are darzees available by the dozen, become friends with ‘masterji’. Tailoring makes a huge difference.

Dress for your age.
This is an important one. While we all like to partake on a trend, we need to ensure we are age appropriate. Age appropriate does not mean that you dress boring, it means you’re tasteful and elegant in the way you do so.
Phone a friend. When you’re unsure of a new look, a new dress, lipstick shade etc., take a selfie and send it to someone you know will not mince their words. Fortunately or I have many of these in my life, and I make full use of them! And vice versa, if friends ask me for my opinion, I am forthright…I would never let a loved one leave the house looking less than stellar. I have asked my friends to slap me if they see me wearing something ridiculous. It hasn’t happened yet, so either I’m doing something right or maybe they’re just really nice people.

When in doubt, DON’T.
Trust your instinct. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not meant to be. Let it go, move on, there will be others.

Lastly, be yourself.
Each of us are unique and our dressing style needs to echo that. Don’t copy your bestie’s style, that wouldn’t be authentic to you. Embrace yourself, with all your assets, imperfections and flaws. That’s the most important rule of all.

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