September 1 2016 - Travel

Inside a hotel snob's head...

My husband recently accused me of being a hotel snob. I wanted to fight it but somewhere not so deep inside I knew he was right. So I’ve decided to own it. In the words of a dear friend, ‘I have a fear of substandard hotels’.

August 31 2016 - Fashion

Maybe she's born with it...Maybe it's...

Do you have that one friend who can never seem to take a bad picture? She always looks radiant, like she had a very civilized day at the spa, drank her daily recommended amount of water and quite possibly has a lady (or man friend)-in-waiting filing her nails, plucking stray hairs and fixing her dirty martinis…

August 30 2016 - Fashion

The love of the handbag

Once upon a time, when I got my first paycheck, I took my credit card to where every self respecting girl does, the Louis Vuitton store. About thirty minutes later, I walked out with the most inexpensive purse they had. On the cab ride home, I was overcome with guilt. Had I actually spent that much money on a purse?

May 30 2016 - Fashion


Anyone who knows me knows how much I love nude shoes. In fact, even those who have only met a handful of times have asked me 'Priyanka, what's this fascination with nude shoes? And how many do you own?' The answer is 'you have no idea'.

May 30 2016 - Fashion


Athleisure as a term and ensemble seems to be all the rage. Just like nude shoes, everywhere I look, I see women in ‘sporty chic’ all day every day. It’s perfectly acceptable to wear yoga pants if you are in fact going to yoga or the gym, but wearing them all day long...why? Unless your closet got broken into and your only surviving piece of clothing are those pants, it’s not okay.

May 30 2016 - Fashion

We’re always on stage

I believe we’re on stage each day, no matter who we are and what we do. So the least we can do is give it our best shot. Those of you who know me know that I’m fairly opinionated when it comes to dressing and presenting oneself. Although I’m no fashion purist, I like to stick to certain do’s and don’ts.



These are a few of my favorite things

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